Director (Production Head)
Hitesh Savalia

The Role

The Person

Hitesh Savaliya
The Role
Mr. Hitesh Savalia is founder Director of Aarohi Embedded Systems Pvt Ltd.
Mr. Hitesh is looking the complete Production , Purchase and New projects of organization. Also looks for people management and the planning of up coming production as well inventory management and good planner of cost management.
He continuously research and work on how to reduce the manufacturing cost and better productivity . He is having a good negotiate techniques and always help ful for organization. Having good skills to tackle the challenges of productions or any kind of field work.
I Hitesh G Savalia Born on 01-01-1975 and completed his study in 1995 from pune as a Electronic Engineer and started work as a junior Engg in Thermo Induction mfg of induction furnace. Here he developed his electrical panel designing skills. As new joiner he got various experience in this organization and followed single principle that learn wherever you got a chance. Always enjoyed to work whatever department. and in future I had taken lots of benefits of this skills which I had got in this organization. Have a chance to work in Amul Industries Ltd. Here worked on a various projects and chance to become team leader and worked as Head in CNC Dept. This is due to having the various skill developed in both the org. I realized that each thing you learnt that is worth and it gives you rewards, and I had it. So I strongly recommend that in life where ever you get a chance to learn any new thing which is not in your scope then also take the benefits of it. Nothing will be futile which you grab it. Always get back it which you invested. For continuous developing skill I had nominated as a best employee in this org also. Learned lots of things which I had utilize in my life. Due to unkindness personality in 2002 I am get connected with Mr Paresh Babaria I had helped in project which he is doing in Amul Ind. From here my life turning point started. Because of without any selfishness I had been worked with him continues more then 24 hours. And when i decided to resign the job got the offer from paresh you can join us which Aarohi is going to start and I happily accepted the offer and my life quantum leap has been started.
Jan 17 th 2004 Aarohi has been started in just 200 Sq Feet area. After starting the real struggle has been started all team members and in starting what ever and wherever we got a chance to prove our self and accepted all type of challenges and done the work regularly of 18 hours without any holidays. From starting only Aarohi has clear vision that we don’t wants to work in red ocean and from the day first of Aarohi is in Blue ocean work always mfg the unique product which is not available in market that’s why Aarohi is
different from others. Aarohi works consistently on customer benefits and makes the innovation in the product and from day first vision is to be customer centric and do only ethical work. Due to this two principal day by day the growth of company is getting up.
Having more then 20 years experience in the field of Electrical design and productivity as well vendor development.