Fluid flow laboratory include calibration and testing of flow products in water medium.Products include all types of flow meters.
The Fluid Flow laboratory design as per ISO 4185 gravimetric Static Weighing Method.In this method flow meter is calibrated by weighing the collected mass of water that passes through the DUC meter during a known time. The laboratory is designed to calibrate maximum flow rate of 1000 m3/h and a maximum pressure of 3 bars. Pipes 15 mm NB to 1200 mm NB diameter can be calibrate in the system.
In fluid flow 3 calibration rig is designed. The Calibration rig has different test lines sizes up to 1200 mm NB. Underground tank of 120000 Ltr. is used for storage the water. The calibration rig is supplied with water at constant head from a pumping of 1000 m3 capacity. Which can be selected according to the requirement of the DUC meter.
Diverter systems are used to divert the flow to the weighing tank for an accurately measured time period (flying start and stop method). The mass measurement done is by high precision Weighing scale system. Time is measured using timer which is triggered by a proxy connected to the diverter system.
The density of water at flowing condition is measured using a handheld density meter.Together with measurement of density at the moment of each diversion enables mass readings, after correction for buoyancy, to be converted into volume. The volume is divided by the respective diversion time to obtain accurate measurement of flow rate.